Long time example sentences

It seemed to Princess September that her little bird had been away a long time.At low temperature rate decreases and it takes long time to reach at equilibrium, whereas high temperatures give satisfactory rates but poor yields.For a long time, trade and transport were restricted to a limited space.Even for a long time, income derived from export operations had been exempt from payment of income tax.[Embraces and kisses Lomov] I've been hoping for it for a long time.Traditional techniques are those which have been used by the companies for a long time now.It evolves over a long time, depending on the nature of society, its social and regional divisions, its history of politics and its system of elections.For a long time, the later Mughal emperors were puppets in the hands of either one or the other of these two powerful groups.For a very long time most countries in Asia and Africa were colonies under the control of European nations.For a long time, when a consumer was not happy with a particular brand product or shop, he or she generally avoided buying that brand product, or would stop purchasing from that shop.India has been trading with other countries for a long time.After a long, long time, she reached an important conclusion.When people began growing plants, it meant that they had to stay in the same place for a long time looking after the plants, watering, weeding, driving away animals and birds — till the grain ripened.जब लोग पौधे उगाने लगे तो उनकी देखभाल के लिए उन्हें एक ही जगह पर लंबे समय तक रहना पड़ा था| बीज बोने से लेकर फसलों के पकने तक, पौधों की सिंचाई करने, खरपतवार हटाने, जानवरों और चिड़ियों से उनकी सुरक्षा करने जैसे बहुत-से काम शामिल थे|Conventional sources of energy are those which have been in common use for a long time.Tears blurred her eyes and she gazed for a long time at the picture.

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